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This day has been sponsored by : Uta & Markus Käsbach

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Week 10 Day 5 - "Group 79"

Group 79 is the last addition of new volunteers plus an 'Insight Group' of students from NYU with their two group leads and a CCS coordinator from New Rochelle. The Insight Group came for one week for a team project (see Monday W11D1) and a variety of extra activities were organized for their brief stay (see last two days for examples).

Back row, left to right:

Joshua: From Canada; he came to work mainly with the boys from Tesalia. I believe he signed up for the full 12 weeks.

Insight Group: Zachery / Zach (grey shirt), Mikhail / Misha (with cap), Charles (black hair), Corinna (sunglasses), Nicole (blue short pants)

Michael / Mike (behind Nicole): Worked together with Joshua with the boys from Tesalia. He also signed up for the full 12 weeks. I believe his mother was to join mid-February for a few weeks.

Insight Group: Veena (leaning forward), Andrew (leaning on Veena), Rachael (behind Andrew), Quinn the CCS coordinator (blue shirt).

Rebekah: Those of you who have been following the calendar from the start will remember that she arrived on the same day as I. Meanwhile, she is working with abused teenage girls at the Mariano Juvenil. I had the honor of joining her one day (see 8th Jan / W9D2).

Insight Group: Shana the group lead & organizer, David

Bailey: Worked with Rebekah & Naomi at the Mariano Juvenil. Came to help out at the Hogarcito for the excursion to the swimming pool. Bailey left after three weeks at the same time as myself.


Kneeling or sitting in the front row, left to right:

Insight Group: Francisco / Frankie

Lucinda: Like Rebekah, Lucinda was around since day 1. She worked at the Hogarcito for a bit over the xmas break, and returned to her original assignment when they re-opened. She was supposed to stay the full 12 weeks but left early to spend some time with her family before continuing on her next CCS assignment in India.

Catherine: Arrived with the last group just before xmas, and has been dividing her time between AMURECI and the Hogarcito. At both places she focused on giving English lessons.

Naomi: Joined Rebecca at the Mariano Juvenil. Though she stayed for only two weeks, she built an impressively close relationship with one of the girls, and began adoption procedures for her. Unfortunately, there is a rule which requires a minimum age difference between the adopting 'parents' and the adopted 'child'. Naomi and Nati are less than 10 years apart.

Katelin: Joined me at the Hogarcito and to my relief adored working with the babies. She also worked on a presentation for Elena (the director of both the Hogarcito as well as the Tesalia) for promotion and fundraising purposes. I believe she stayed on for the full 12 weeks.

Jessica: Divided her time between AMURECI and the day care center for the elderly. I believe she stayed for 4 weeks.

Insight Group: Lisa the 2nd group lead


For today's sponsors

Uta & Markus, nach zweieinhalb verhältnismäßig ruhigen Monaten kam nun eine recht große neue Gruppe an. Darunter 10 Studenten aus New York mit zwei Begleitern und einem CCS Lead aus New Rochelle. Diese blieben nur eine Woche und reisen morgen schon wieder ab. Der Gruppe verdanken wir einige "Sonderveranstaltungen" wie beispielsweise die Themen der letzten beiden Tage. Wenn Ihr neugierig seid... am Montag stelle ich vor, was diese Gruppe in der einen Woche an Voluntärarbeit geleistet hat.

Die anderen neuen Voluntäre bleiben zwischen 2 und 12 Wochen.