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This day has been sponsored by : Heidi und Horst Bock

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Week 11 Day 3 - "Muelle"

Today, Patricia, a colleague from the Hogarcito, invited Marie (remember New Year's?) and myself to her humble home in Muelle. On our bus ride from Ciudad Quesada to Muelle we realized that Patricia had about an hour commute to work. However, she did not commute daily, since she had to stay overnight at the Hogarcito, and therefore had no choice but to leave her own children alone with her husband for a few days in a row. On top of this, she took classes for a graduate program.

When we arrived in Muelle, Patricia and her two children picked us up from the bus and took us to a river. The two kids and I went swimming. We let the water carry us away for a bit, then paddled back against the current to our starting point. This, we repeated many times. Eventually, Patricia's husband came to pick us up. He had been fishing for our dinner. You can see Patricia's daughter Patricia with his catch on pic no. 2.

While Patricia's husband prepared the fish, we strolled through their backyard. At the very end, there was a steep drop to a river bed, and we could see alligators down there... of which Patricia assured us that they are entirely harmless.

After our meal we went for a walk. Though Patricia had 'warned' us, I was amazed to see iguanas EVERYWHERE. I included only two sample pictures in the calendar, but I took many many more.

Upon my return to Casa Maria Cristina, I discovered that the nightguard, Don Ademar, also lives in the neighbourhood, and knew Patricia's husband.


For today's sponsors

Heidi und Horst Bock, heute hat mich eine Kollegin eingeladen, sie und ihre Familie zu Hause zu besuchen. Vorab hat sie schonmal "gewarnt", daß sie in sehr einfachen Verhältnissen wohnt. Trotzdem war ich ziemlich geschockt als sie erzählte, daß zuvor schonmal Gäste an der Haustür kehrt gemacht haben...

Wir hatten einen spannenden Tag... schwammen im Fluß, beobachteten Alligatoren und sahen Unmengen von Leguanen. Als ich nach Ciudad Quesada zurück kehrte, stellte sich heraus, daß der Nachtwächter, Don Ademar, auch dort in der Nachbarschaft wohnt.